Request a NRO Speaker

Thank you for your interest in the NRO. To request an official speaker, please complete this form in its entirety. If there are fields that do not apply, please type “N/A.” Failure to provide information in required fields will result in an error message and non-submission of the form. The NRO requires a speaker request form be submitted a minimum of 30 days prior to the event. If submitted less than three weeks in advance, NRO cannot guarantee your invitation will be processed in time for a final decision. After completing this form, please provide any supplemental information available to the Office of Public Affairs at Materials may include: a current agenda (or draft agenda, if available), registered press list, names of invited keynote speakers, etc. Please allow 7-10 business days for a response. After this time, you may follow up with our team at for a status update on your request. NOTE: Submission of this speaker request form does not authorize the requestor to use the name, title, photograph, or biography of the requested speaker nor the National Reconnaissance Office in any form of marketing materials. Official notification of acceptance or declination will be provided to the requestor upon completion of our legal and public affairs vetting process. Please ensure authorization from NRO Public Affairs prior to email marketing of NRO participation in your event.







* A Widely Attended Gathering is a meeting, conference, or other event that is expected to be attended by a large number of people representing a wide range of interests (e.g., open to members from throughout an industry or profession) providing an opportunity to exchange ideas and views.

For more information, please see DoD Guidance on Widely Attended Gatherings.

Cost to attendees other than a speaker (please provide the highest value/cost of ticket, value/cost of food, and value/cost of beverages for legal analysis, not sufficient for "No cost to government").  This information is required by our legal team to provide a proper assessment. If the amount is $0 please enter that in the fields below: