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Advancing technology for satellites and supporting infrastructure

NRO’s Space Reconnaissance Laboratory brings together the best in academia and the private sector to keep America at the forefront of space-based intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance technology. SRL is part of the Federal Laboratory Consortium and links private-sector and academic research and development with our intelligence mission.



SRL works with experts from academia and industry and leverages a range of authorities to promote rapid advancements in technology to support the nation’s most complex and critical national security challenges.

SRL manages NRO’s technology transfer program using a set of flexible-agreement mechanisms that allow us to operate faster and more effectively bridge the gap between open and classified research.



SRL uses traditional and more flexible, non-Federal Acquisition Regulation based research agreement authorities to enable partnerships with leading researchers and entities. As a Federal Laboratory, SRL supports collaboration with other federal labs, industry, academia, and government organizations.


Mission interest areas

  • Apertures
  • Communications
  • Remote sensing
  • Satellite-system design
  • Sense-making
  • Other revolutionary concepts

Contact us

Reach us at  

Please include your:

  • Organization’s name and physical address
  • Contact details for the principal investigator, including name, phone number, and e-mail address
  • A brief description of the proposed research and development effort, including the desired tasks and potential benefits and outcomes
  • For Cooperative Research and Development Agreement-specific ideas, reach us at