History of MOL 

Index, Declassified Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL) Records

The Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL) was a 1960s Air Force program with the ostensible mission to place military personnel in orbit to conduct scientific experiments to determine the “military usefulness” of placing man into space and the techniques and procedures for doing so if the need ever arose. The actual, classified, mission of the MOL program was to place a manned surveillance satellite into orbit. At the time, several military and contractor studies estimated that manned surveillance satellites could acquire photographic coverage of the Soviet Union with resolution better than the best system at the time (the first generation Gambit satellite). Additionally, the Air Force billed the MOL as a reconnaissance system that could more efficiently and quickly adjust coverage for crises and targets of opportunity than unmanned systems. The Air Force controlled development of the satellite, which was consistent with MOL’s unclassified mission, while the NRO ran development of the covert reconnaissance mission of the program, including the camera system and other subsystems.

Secretary of Defense McNamara publicly announced the start of the MOL program in December 1963. However, even though the program had support for the military and the President, it was seldom fully funded due to competition from other DoD programs, NASA, and general governmental budgetary pressure. By the time initial studies, planning, and organization were completed and the program was ready to expand into full-scale development and production in the late-60s, budgetary pressure had significantly increased due to NASA’s Apollo program and the Vietnam War. At a time when the program required increased expenditures, its budget was being slashed, and as a result, its timelines and costs were expanded and increased. With growing pressure from the expansion of the Vietnam War, the perceived duplication of effort with NASA programs, and improved performance of operating unmanned surveillance systems, in June 1969 the President cancelled the MOL program, and with it, the Air Force’s last chance to develop a manned space flight program. The MOL program operated for five and one half years and spent $1.56 billion, but never launched a manned vehicle into space.

Click below to view MOL pictures.

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Click here to read The DORIAN Files Revealed: A Compendium of the NRO's Manned Orbiting Laboratory Documents (36.8 MB)

Click here to watch Meet the Astronauts of the Manned Orbiting Laboratory video.

Doc Title Date Pages
1 Memorandum for Director, MOL Program, Subject: Authorization to Proceed with MOL Program 8/25/1962 1
2 Memorandum for Director MOL by Mr. Zuckert, Subject: Authorization to Proceed with MOL 8/25/1962 1
3 Letter to Dr. Flax from Deputy Associate Admin for MSF, Subject: Second Phase of MOL Study 10/11/1963 3
4 The University of Michigan, Scientific Experiments for MOL 12/1/1963 275
5 New Program for the Development of a Near Earth MOL 12/10/63 3
6 Press Release, Subject: Air Force to Develop MOL 12/10/1963 2
7 Aerospace Corporation, MOL Briefing, Management and Administrative Procedures During the Life of the Program 1/3/1964 117
8 Memorandum to Deputy Chief of Staff (R&D) from Under Secretary of the Air Force, Subject: Requirements and Objectives for MOL 1/15/1964 4
9 Aerospace Corporation, MOL Technical Presentation 1/17/1964 33
10 Memorandum for Director, Defense Research & Engineering Signed by Dr. Flax, Subject: MOL 1/18/1964 4
11 Letter to Gen. Schriever from Under Secretary of Air Force, Subject: Views on Management on MOL 2/6/1964 2
12 Notes on Draft Memorandum, Subject: MOL Experiments - Early Critical Comments on the Direction of the Program 2/10/1964 4
13 Letter to Gen. Schriever from Under Secretary of the Air Force, Subject: Confirmation About Details of MOL 3/3/1964 2
14 Security Briefing Statement Relating to Project DORIAN 3/5/1964 2
15 Experiments for MOL, and the Purpose of the MOL Program 3/5/1964 2
16 Memorandum for Under Secretary of the Air Force from Dr. Brown, Subject: Memorandum on Purpose of MOL Program 3/9/1964 10
17 Preliminary Technical Development Plan 3/10/1964 8
18 Security Restrictions on DORIAN 3/12/1964 3
19 Project DORIAN: Security Handling of Contract with Eastman Kodak (EK) Corp. 3/13/1964 1
20 MOL Technical Panel, First Preliminary Report 3/17/1964 305
21 Letter to John T. McNaughton from Jeffrey C. Kitchen, Subject: About Interest in the Development of Plans for MOL 3/25/1964 1
22 Candidate Experiments for MOL, Volume 1 4/1/1964 499
23 Public Affairs Plan for MOL 4/2/1964 2
24 Organization of MOL Program Management Office 4/6/1964 1
25 Letter to Gen. B. A. Schriever from Brockway McMillan about the Reconnaissance Aspects of MOL 4/6/1964 9
26 Schedule and Funding Information for MS-285 4/6/1964 3
27 Aerospace Support for MS-285 4/8/1964 2
28 Establishment of U.S. Navy Field Office for MOL 4/10/1964 1
29 Letter to Commander, USAF Systems Command from Chief, Bureau of Naval Weapons, Subject: MOL Navy Funding Requirements 4/22/1964 11
30 Memorandum for Secretary of the Air Force by Dr. Brown, Subject: Approval of USAF FY64 RDT&E MOL 4/29/1964 2
31 President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board Report: National Reconnaissance Program 5/2/1964 12
32 Cover Letter & Report for Mr. Bundy: National Reconnaissance Program 5/12/1964 5
33 Agreement Between NASA & DoD Concerning Gemini Program and MOL 5/20/1964 5
34 Eastman Kodak Corp. DORIAN Briefing to Dr. McMillan 6/2/1964 2
35 Preliminary Technical Development Plan for MOL 6/30/1964 223
36 Memorandum for Col. Schultz, Assistant for MOL (AFRMO) from Under Secretary of the Air Force, Subject: MOL Experiments on Electromagnetic Signal Detection 7/2/1964 3
37 MOL Experiments on Electromagnetic Signal Detection 7/8/1964 4
38 Aerospace Corporation, Evaluation of Geodetic Capability of MOL Optical Tracking System 7/24/1964 29
39 Letter to AFSC (MSF-1) from Gen. Kinney, Subject: Study of MOL Schedule Alternatives 8/7/1964 6
40 Aerospace Corporation Interoffice Correspondence, Subject: Crew Safety Briefing Charts 8/11/1964 49
41 Meeting 8/19/64 with IBM, Eastman Kodak, LMSC, and ITEK 8/19/1964 2
42 Cable to CSAF from AFSC Subject: Source Selection Board for MOL 8/27/1964 3
43 Navy Sea Surveillance Experiment for MOL 9/9/1964 1
44 Interface with MOL and MOL Contractors 9/11/1964 2
45 Memorandum for Director of Defense, Research & Engineering, Subject: MOL Program 9/18/1964 2
46 NASA Proposal to Study MOL ATS and DORIAN Technology 9/24/1964 2
47 Letter to Mr. Webb from Mr. McNamara, Subject: Air Force Effort on MOL During Last Several Months 9/25/1964 2
48 Letter to AFSC (SCK-3) from Mr. Best, Chief, Office of Procurement & Production, Subject: Request for Determinations and Findings 10/6/1964 14
49 Aerospace Corporation, MOL Rendezvous 10/15/1964 78
50 Performance and Design Requirements for the MOL System 10/19/1964 233
51 Aerospace Corporation Interoffice Correspondence, Subject: MOL Weight History 10/27/1964 6
52 Memorandum to AFCCS from W. K. Martin, Subject: Source Selection Board for MOL 10/30/1964 2
53 Aerospace Corporation, MOL Extravehicular Space Suit Data Book 11/1/1964 34
54 Problems Posed by the Image Velocity Sensor (IVS) Development and MS-285 Follow-On 11/19/1964 4
55 Preliminary Performance/Design Requirements for the MOL System 11/30/1964 232
56 Headquarters Space Systems Division, Air Force Systems Command Memo, Subject: Gemini/MOL Experiments 12/2/1964 12
57 Memorandum for Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (R&D) from Assistant Secretary of Navy (R&D), Subject: MOL Program Funding 12/24/1964 1
58 Procedural Considerations for MOL Program Management 1/1/1965 22
59 Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense, Subject: MOL Management 1/1/1965 45
60 Memorandum to AFSPD, Subject: Record of Performance of Selected Contractors 1/1/1965 26
61 Harold Brown to USAF on MOL 1/4/1965 4
62 Memorandum for the Record: Meeting with Dr. McMillan on MOL 1/6/1965 2
63 Study of Utilizing Apollo for the MOL Mission, Volume II: Subsystem Studies-Applied Mechanics Division 1/11/1965 304
64 Aerospace Corporation, MOL Mission Potential 1/16/1965 15
65 Qualified Contractors to Receive MOL RFP 1/18/1965 1
66 Memorandum from J.S. Bleymaier, Subject: MOL Source Selection Board 1/18/1965 7
67 Meeting Minutes of Briefing to DDR&E on 1/16/65, Subject: New MOL Objectives 1/18/1965 3
68 Memorandum for the Under Secretary of the Air Force, Subject: MOL Management 1/25/1965 6
69 DORIAN/BYEMAN and MOL Interface Under the New Security Ground Rules 1/30/1965 5
70 Pressure Suit and Extravehicular Performance Data for MOL 2/1/1965 55
71 Expandable Structures for Construction of Astronaut Transfer Tunnel 2/5/1965 52
72 Source Selection Board for MOL: Criteria the Board Used to Select Contractors for Early MOL Design Studies 2/8/1965 2
73 Memorandum for Chief of Staff, USAF from Brockway McMillan, Subject: Source Selection Board for MOL 2/8/1965 1
74 Aerospace Corporation, Evaluation of Apollo X for MOL Mission 2/10/1965 164
75 Memorandum for the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Subject: MOL 2/23/1965 2
76 Memorandum for SSGS from Jewell C. Maxwell, Subject: Code for MOL System Source Selection Board Report and Presentation 2/24/1965 1
77 MOL Policy Committee Meeting, Subject: Results of the MOL Laboratory Source Selection Board and Interactions with NASA 2/25/1965 2
78 Air Force MOL Policy Committee: Summary of Agenda Items from 2/25/65: Contains the Approved Security Classification Guide for MOL 2/25/1965 9
79 Proceedings of Air Force MOL Policy Committee Meeting, 2/25/65 2/25/1965 6
80 Information Responsibilities for MOL Program 2/26/1965 9
81 Memorandum for the Record, McMillan to Seamans, Subject: NASA MOL Security Policy 2/26/1965 1
82 Memorandum for Chief of Staff, USAF from Eugene M. Zuckert, Subject: Authorization to Award Contracts for MOL Preliminary Design Studies 2/26/1965 1
83 NASA/DOD Industry MOL Vehicle Requirements Briefing 2/27/1965 6
84 Security Policy and Procedures for NASA Participation in the DOD MOL Program 3/8/1965 7
85 Memorandum to AFCCS (Gen. Schriever) from Gen. McConnell, Subject: Selection of Aerospace Research Pilots for Assignment to MOL Program 3/15/1965 1
86 Primary Experiments Data for the MOL Program 3/31/1965 45
87 Objectives for the MOL Program 4/15/1965 2
88 Letter to Albert C. Hall from N.E. Golovin, Subject: Recent MOL Studies by Special Space Panel 4/21/1965 2
89 System Source Selection Board Oral Presentation for the MOL System 5/1/1965 65
90 Criteria to be Employed by the MOL Evaluation Group for Evaluation of MOL Preliminary Design Studies 5/8/1965 7
91 DOD/MOL Program Security 5/18/1965 10
92 Direction of MOL Program Resulting from Presentations and Discussions from May 17-19, 1965 5/20/1965 2
93 DORIAN Optical Studies 5/20/1965 2
94 Proceedings of Air Force MOL Policy Committee Meeting, 6/1/65 6/1/1965 2
95 Letter to Vice Adm. William F. Raborn from Cyrus R. Vance about MOL 6/12/1965 2
96 Memorandum for Gen. J.P. McConnell from Gen. B.A. Schriever, Subject: Objectives of the MOL Studies 6/12/1965 8
97 MOL Program Chronology 6/28/1965 2
98 Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense, Subject: Proposed MOL Program 6/28/1965 105
99 Information Needs for Satellite Photographic Reconnaissance 6/30/1965 23
100 Memorandum for SecDef by Mr. Hornig, Special Assistant Science & Technology, Subject: Special MOL Panel 6/30/1965 7
101 Memorandum for General Blanchard from Harry L. Evans, Subject: MOL Contractor Information 7/1/1965 9
102 MOL Management: 7/5/65 7/5/1965 10
103 Memorandum for Secretary of Air Force from Robert S. McNamara, Subject: Press Release on MOL 7/6/1965 1
104 Memorandum for the Executive Secretary, National Aeronautics and Space Council, Subject: MOL 7/7/1965 7
105 Memorandum for the Vice President, Subject: Organization and Public Position on MOL 7/8/1965 4
106 SAFSL/SAFSS Relationships, Functions of the NRO Staff with Respect to the MOL Program 7/9/1965 5
107 Memorandum for the Record, 7/13/65, Subject: MOL "Posture" Paper 7/13/1965 4
108 Memorandum for the Record- DOD MOL - A Consideration of International Political Factors 7/13/1965 2
109 Memorandum for the Record, Subject: MOL "Posture" Paper 7/15/1965 19
110 Memorandum for Robert McNamara, Subject: Space Council Meeting on 7/9/65 7/19/1965 1
111 Memorandum for the Record, 7/21/65, Subject: MOL "Posture" Paper 7/21/1965 5
112 Policy on Public Information Aspects 7/26/1965 14
113 Memorandum for the Record, from Paul E. Worthman, Subject: MOL Policy Paper 7/29/1965 15
114 Memorandum for the Record, Subject: Proposed MOL Press Release 7/27/1965 5
115 Memorandum to Dr. Hall from Paul Worthman, Subject: USIB Endorsement of MOL Photographic Capability 7/27/1965 2
116 Memorandum for the Record, Subject: MOL Policy Questions 7/27/1965 8
117 Letter to Mr. James E. Webb from Harold Brown, Subject: Policy on Public Information Aspects & International Reactions to MOL 7/28/1965 17
118 Memorandum for Dr. McMillan from John L. Martin, Jr, Subject: Selection of DORIAN Payload Contractor, Report To Survey Committee 7/30/1965 61
119 MOL Briefing Policy: 5 Alternative Security Solutions for a Problem Created by Conducting an Unclassified Program with a Classified Mission 8/1/1965 17
120 Government Plan for Program Management for the MOL Program 8/1/1965 189
121 To Mr. J. E. Webb from Harold Brown, Subject: Draft of Memo to President on MOL 8/9/1965 10
122 Memorandum for the Record from: Brockway McMillan, Subject: MOL Sensor Development 8/11/1965 6
123 Memorandum for the Record, from Paul E. Worthman, Subject: Memorandum to the President (MOL) 8/12/1965 10
124 Letter to Robert McNamara from Dean Rusk, Subject: 7/6/65 Space Council Discussion of the MOL Project 8/16/1965 2
125 Dean Rusk to McNamara, Subject: Information and Publicity Controls 8/16/1965 2
126 Note to Dr. Harold Brown from Donald F. Hornig, Subject: Draft Memorandum to the President on MOL 8/24/1965 2
127 Memorandum for Secretary of Defense by Mr. Zuckert, Subject: Memorandum of 28 June 65, Description of MOL 8/24/1965 1
128 Comments on Draft Memorandum for The President 8/24/1965 3
129 President Johnson's Statement on MOL-Press Conference 8/25/1965 1
130 Secretary of Air Force Order, Subject: Director of MOL Program 8/25/1965 2
131 Memorandum for Members, MOL Policy Committee by Mr. Zuckert, Subject: MOL Management 8/25/1965 4
132 Program Directive, Management of the MOL Program 8/25/1965 23
133 Program Directive, MOL Phase I Program Authorization 8/25/1965 24
134 Impact of Recent Publicity on the MOL Program 8/25/1965 45
135 Letter to Mr. James E. Webb (NASA Administrator) from Harold Brown (Dir Defense Research & Engineering), Subject: Draft of MOL Program 8/28/1965 28
136 Personnel Announcement for MOL Program Office 8/30/1965 2
137 Agreement Concerning MOL System Program Office and Program Management 9/1/1965 7
138 Titan III/MOL Compatibility Study, Performance Improvement Report Technical Summary 9/1/1965 327
139 Letter to Edward C. Welsh from Harold Brown, Subject: MOL Program 9/8/1965 2
140 Memorandum for Assistant Secretary of the Air Force from Harry L. Evans, Subject: Initiation of MOL Contract Define 9/10/1965 5
141 Outer Space Meetings—MOL or Gemini Issues 9/16/1965 9
142 NSAM on MOL 9/16/1965 7
143 State Department Guidance to U.S. Delegation, Outer Space Meetings-MOL or GEMINI Issues: Official Policy and Response to Soviet Characterizations of the MOL Program 9/17/1965 4
144 Letter to Dean Rusk from Cyrus Vance about the MOL Program, Subject: Public Statements about the MOL Program because of Potential Foreign Reaction 9/24/1965 1
145 Memorandum for Gen. Stewart, Your Relationship to the DORIAN Program 9/28/1965 4
146 DORIAN Security 9/29/1965 3
147 MOL Monthly Status Report: 9/65 10/7/1965 10
148 Memorandum for Secretary of Air Force, Subject: An Offer of Inspection of MOL 10/8/1965 12
149 A Report by the J-5 on an Offer of Inspection of MOL 10/12/1965 6
150 Security Inspection of MOL 10/12/1965 1
151 Airgram to Department of State from USUN Subject: Outer Space, MOL 10/12/1965 2
152 Proceedings of Air Force MOL Policy Committee Meeting, 10/14/65 10/14/1965 5
153 Highlight Summary of Air Force MOL Policy Committee 10/14/1965 28
154 Memorandum for Assistant SecDef for International Security Affairs from Harold Brown, Subject: Review - An Offer of Inspection of MOL 10/15/1965 2
155 Soviet Criticism of the US MOL Program 10/19/1965 9
156 For the Deputy Director, CIA, Subject: Offer of Inspection of MOL 10/19/1965 1
157 Public Affairs Guidance, Department of Defense MOL Program 10/21/1965 9
158 Public Affairs Guidance for the MOL Program, 10/22/1965 10/22/1965 4
159 Memorandum for Spurgeon Keeny from Alvin Friedman, Subject: NSAM on MOL 10/23/1965 3
160 Memorandum for Harold Brown from Alvin Friedman, Subject: MOL Inspection Proposal 10/23/1965 8
161 Memorandum for the Record, from John L. Martin, Jr. Subject: NRO and SAFSP Responsibilities Related to the MOL Program 10/25/1965 1
162 Martin Memorandum for the Record on 10/22 Discussion with Dr Flax 10/25/1965 1
163 Memorandum for Mr. Reber from Paul Worthman, Subject: MOL Inspection Proposal 10/25/1965 2
164 Memorandum for Commander, National Range Division, AF Systems Command, from Gen. Evans, Subject: Ship Support for MOL Orbital Insertion 10/26/1965 1
165 Offer of Inspection of MOL 10/26/1965 1
166 Public Affairs Guidance for the MOL Program, 10/29/1965 10/29/1965 13
167 Memorandum for Distribution from Arthur Sylvester, Subject: Public Affairs Guidance for the MOL Program 10/29/1965 1
168 Memorandum for Col. Worthman from Major Yost, Subject: P/A Guidance on MOL 10/29/1965 2
169 Annual Report to the Presidents Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board on the Activities of the NRP 10/31/1965 5
170 Fact Sheet, MOL Program: Chronology to Date and MOL Plan Moving Forward 11/1/1965 2
171 Semi-Annual Report to the PFIAB on the Activities of the NRP, 11/1/65 - 4/30/66 11/1/1965 5
172 Public Affairs Guidance for the MOL Program, 11/3/1965 11/3/1965 2
173 An Analysis of the Requirements for Very High Accuracy Image Motion Compensation 11/4/1965 91
174 MOL Monthly Status Report: 10/65 11/8/1965 11
175 Memorandum to AFSC Centers and Ranges from Gen. Schriever, Subject: Conduct of MOL 11/9/1965 2
176 Memorandum for the Record from: John L. Martin, Jr. Subject: 11/8/65 PSAC Reconnaissance Panel Roundtable Discussion on DORIAN 11/10/1965 6
177 President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC) Meetings of 11/8/65 11/12/1965 8
178 Procedures for MOL Program Management 11/12/1965 7
179 To D/NRO (Dr. Flax), D/MOL (General Schriever) from John L. Martin, Jr., Subject: Unsatisfactory Performance by General Electric Missile and Space Division 11/15/1965 3
180 Memorandum to Mr. John Kirby, Subject: Soviet Air Attaché at Douglas Talk on MOL 11/18/1965 7
181 White House Memorandum, Subject: Reconnaissance Panel Views on the MOL Development Program 11/18/1965 2
182 Letter to Gen. Evans from George E. Mueller, Subject: Transfer of Certain Gemini Program Equipment to MOL 11/20/1965 4
183 Memorandum for Deputy Director, MOL from Gen. Schriever, Subject: Application of 375-Series Management Procedures to MOL 11/21/1965 1
184 Memorandum for Dr. Brown from Gen. B. A. Schriever, Subject: Disposition of General Electric MSD as a MOL Contractor 11/21/1965 3
185 Letter to Alexander Flax from Donald F. Hornig, Subject: Reconnaissance Panel Discussion on MOL 11/22/1965 1
186 MOL Management: Procedures for Washington Area 11/24/1965 2
187 Manned/Unmanned MOL Mission Assignments 11/29/1965 7
188 Proceedings of Air Force MOL Policy Committee Meeting, 11/30/65 11/30/1965 6
189 Highlight Summary of Air Force MOL Policy Committee Meeting, 11/30/65 11/30/1965 1
190 Memorandum for the Record, Subject: USUN Msg 533 12/2/1965 3
191 Preliminary Performance/Design Requirements for the MOL System, 12/3/65 12/3/1965 379
192 MOL Monthly Status Report: 11/65 12/9/1965 9
193 Memorandum for the Record by Col Worthman, Subject: MOL Relationship to Congress 12/17/1965 1
194 MOL-USIB Relationship 12/21/1965 2
195 Eastman Kodak, DORIAN Program Review 12/22/1965 83
196 Memorandum for Dr. Brown from Gen. B. A. Schriever, Subject: Disposition of General Electric (MSD) as an MOL Contractor 12/27/1965 1
197 Development Problems Inherent in an Unmanned DORIAN System 1/2/1966 20
198 MOL Monthly Status Report: 12/65 1/4/1966 11
199 Letter to Brigadier General Russell A. Berg from: Harry L. Evans, Subject: The Broadening of the MOL Program to Increase its Capabilities to Perform Useful Military Functions and Experiments in Space 1/4/1966 4
200 Soviet Orbital Rockets and the US MOL 1/6/1966 24
201 MOL Information Plan 1/10/1966 18
202 Memorandum for Distribution from E.B. LeBailly, Subject: MOL Information Plan 1/10/1966 18
203 Memorandum for Gen. Evans from Dr. Yarymovych, Subject: MOL Experiments Program 1/21/1966 3
204 Memorandum for the Record from Harry L. Evans, Subject: MOL SIGINT Study Program 1/24/1966 3
205 Summary Studies of Unmanned DORIAN System 1/28/1966 37
206 Preliminary Performance/Design Requirements for the MOL System, 1/30/66 1/30/1966 257
207 Proceedings of Air Force MOL Policy Committee Meeting, 2/8/66 2/8/1966 6
208 Program Directive, MOL SIGINT Study Program 2/9/1966 10
209 President's Science Advisory Committee Meetings of 2/9/66 2/11/1966 4
210 MOL Monthly Status Report: 1/66 2/12/1966 6
211 Press Guidance on Location of MOL Launches 2/14/1966 4
212 Memorandum for D/NRO from Arthur W. Barber, Subject: Project DORIAN Access 2/14/1966 1
213 Memorandum for Gen. Evans from Lewis S. Norman, Subject: Status of MOL Readout 3/3/1966 7
214 MOL Monthly Status Report: 2/66 3/4/1966 9
215 Memorandum for Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Arms Control) from Alexander H. Flax, Subject: DORIAN Access 3/4/1966 2
216 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from Col. B. R. Daughtrey, Subject: MOL Program 3/9/1966 1
217 Memorandum to General Martin from Byron F. Knolle, Jr. Subject: Foreign Procurement 3/9/1966 1
218 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from Paul E. Worthman, Subject: U.S. Army Participation in MOL 3/10/1966 1
219 Memorandum for Chairman Revers from Harold Brown, Subject: Determination of the Launch Site for MOL 3/14/1966 2
220 Memorandum for Deputy Director, MOL Program, Subject: MOL Priorities 3/14/1966 9
221 Public Information Handling of the TITAN IIIC Space Launches from Cape Kennedy During 1966 3/19/1966 5
222 Approval of Special MOL Facilities at Eastman Kodak Corporation 3/21/1966 1
223 Request for Clearance of Proposed Material Containing MOL References: Decision to allow the Los Angeles Times to Include MOL as Part of a Larger Article on Current Space Projects 3/22/1966 3
224 Memorandum for Dr. Flax, Subject: MOL Priority 3/23/1966 4
225 Letter to Robert McNamara from Bureau of the Budget, Subject: Approval of MOL Programs 3/21/1966 1
226 Letter to Mr. Charles L. Schultze from BOB, Subject: Letter of 3/21/66, Review of Certain Factors in the MOL Program 3/25/1966 1
227 Memorandum for Director, NRO (Dr. Flax) from Gen. B. A. Schriever, Subject: Procedures for MOL Management 3/28/1966 4
228 Capabilities of the MOL System 4/1/1966 9
229 Memorandum for General Evans, SAFSL from Alexander H. Flax, Subject: MOL History 4/2/1966 5
230 MOL Program Review, 4/2/66 4/2/1966 102
231 MOL Program Management Review 4/2/1966 4
232 Memorandum for Director of Defense R&D from Dr. Flax, Subject: Eastman Kodak Corp. Facilities for MOL 4/4/1966 3
233 Approval to Proceed with the Procurement of DORIAN Long Lead Support Equipment 4/4/1966 1
234 Memorandum for the Director Defense Research and Engineering, Subject: MOL Program 4/5/1966 3
235 Program Review, MOL Systems Office 4/5/1966 4
236 Memorandum for the DDR&E, Subject: MOL Program 4/5/1966 3
237 Memorandum for the Record, from Richard S. Quiggins, Subject: Handling of MOL Security Review Matters 4/6/1966 1
238 Memorandum for Assistant Secretary of Army, R&D from Dr. Flax, Subject: MOL 4/6/1966 2
239 For Gen. Berg from Gen. Evans, Subject: Comparison of MOL with an Equivalent Wholly Unmanned System 4/6/1966 2
240 Memorandum for Director Defense Research and Engineering, Subject: Comparison of MOL to an Unmanned System of Resolution 4/6/1966 45
241 MOL Monthly Status Report: 3/66 4/8/1966 11
242 Costs and Schedules for the MOL Program 4/8/1966 1
243 Funding Estimates, from the NAVMOL Office, on the Navy's MOL Project 4/13/1966 7
244 Revision of Program Review, MOL Systems Office 4/13/1966 5
245 Establishment of a MOL Cost Review Team 4/15/1966 1
246 Final Report on the Role of Man in the MOL, 4/21/66 4/21/1966 1
247 Proceedings of Air Force MOL Policy Committee Meeting, Agenda Items for 4/29/66 4/29/1966 2
248 Proceedings of Air Force MOL Policy Committee Meeting, 4/29/66 4/29/1966 7
249 Memorandum for the Deputy Secretary of Defense from Alexander H. Flax, Subject: Foreign Procurement 5/2/1966 1
250 Memorandum for Director, NRO (Dr. Flax) from John L. Martin, Jr. Subject: Foreign Origin Procurement 5/2/1966 1
251 Proposal for a Domestic Source of Supply for High Quality Optical Glass 5/3/1966 5
252 MOL Monthly Status Report: 4/66 5/6/1966 6
253 Discussion Points for Eastman Kodak Company 5/10/1966 22
254 Paper from Air Force System Command, Operations Order for MOL, Subject: DoD Manager Relationship with MOL 5/11/1966 18
255 Memorandum to B.P. Leonard, W.F. Sampson, W.C. Williams, Subject: Reliability Growth and Cost Effectiveness Comparison of Manned and Unmanned MOL Systems 5/16/1966 32
256 Proceedings of Air Force MOL Policy Committee Meeting, 5/20/66, Position of Committee Members 5/20/1966 3
257 Proceedings of Air Force MOL Policy Committee Meeting, Agenda Items for 5/20/66 5/20/1966 1
258 Proceedings of Air Force MOL Policy Committee Meeting, 5/20/66 5/20/1966 5
259 MOL Leonard Briefing, 5/21/66 5/21/1966 29
260 MOL Policy Committee Meeting, 5/20/66 5/23/1966 1
261 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from Gen. Stewart, Subject: Unmanned DORIAN System Studies 5/23/1966 4
262 Final Report on the Role of Man in the MOL, 5/25/66 5/25/1966 2
263 MOL Monthly Status Report: 5/66 6/1/1966 7
264 Gen. Shriever Briefing Presented by Leonard, Manned System Performance Analysis 6/7/1966 107
265 Proceedings of Air Force MOL Policy Committee Meeting, Agenda Items for 6/9/66 6/9/1966 2
266 Aerospace Corporation MOL Simulation and Back-Up Analog Tracking Study 6/9/1966 19
267 Memorandum for Distribution from E.B. LeBailly, Subject: Annex 1, MOL Information Plan 6/11/1966 6
268 Army Participation in the MOL Program 6/13/1966 2
269 Memorandum to D/NRO from John L. Martin, Jr. Subject: Studies of a "Wholly Unmanned" DORIAN System 6/15/1966 3
270 Memorandum for Assistant Secretary Air Force (R&D) from Gen. Evans, Subject: MOL Launch Complex at Western Test Range 6/20/1966 11
271 MOL Program Suggested Changes to SS-MOL-1 Integrated 4/29/66: Review of System Specifications Contractor Comments and Baseline Changes 6/27/1966 91
272 Memorandum for Sec. Brown from Gen. Schriever, Subject: MOL Manpower Requirements 7/5/1966 2
273 MOL Monthly Status Report: 6/66 7/8/1966 6
274 Draft Memorandum to the President on MOL Revised to Reflect Dr. Hornig's Views 7/21/1966 8
275 Memorandum for Director, MOL Program from Harry L. Evans, Subject: Authorization for MOL Engineering Development 7/26/1966 5
276 Missile/Space Daily Article - MOL Information Policy not to be Affected by and U.S.-Soviet Accords 7/29/1966 1
277 MOL Monthly Status Report: 7/66 8/4/1966 6
278 Establishment of Working Group to Examine MOL Contributions to Space Astronomy 8/4/1966 1
279 Operation Order No. 66-3, Subject: Support of MOL 8/4/1966 43
280 Memorandum for Assistant Secretary of Navy (Research and Development) from Alexander H. Flax, Subject: MOL Ocean Surveillance Security 8/5/1966 1
281 DIAMOND II Study 8/5/1966 91
282 MOL Manned/Automatic and Automatic Systems Analysis, President's Science Advisory Committee Briefing 8/13/1966 36
283 Briefing to PSAC on MOL: A Briefing Presented to MOL Personnel Comparing MOL to the Unmanned DORIAN Reconnaissance System 8/17/1966 8
284 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from Harry L. Evans, Subject: Authorization for MOL Full-Scale Development 8/18/1966 3
285 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from Paul E. Worthman, Subject: PSAC Panel Comments on the MOL 8/19/1966 1
286 Memorandum for the Secretary of the Air Force, Subject: MOL Program Plan and Funding Requirements 8/20/1966 5
287 Manned/Unmanned Comparisons in the MOL 8/26/1966 47
288 Memorandum for Director, Defense Research & Engineering from Gen. Evans, Subject: Engineering Development Phase of MOL Program 8/29/1966 13
289 Secretary of Air Force Order 117.4, Director of MOL Program 9/1/1966 2
290 Government Plan for Program Management for MOL 9/1/1966 116
291 MOL Monthly Status Report: 8/66 9/7/1966 7
292 Memorandum for the Secretary of the Air Force, Subject: Engineering Development Phase of the MOL Program 9/7/1966 6
293 Memorandum to Assistant for R&D Programming from Gen. Evans, Subject: MOL Program Reclama on Draft Presidential Memorandum 9/91966 4
294 Memorandum to Dr. Flax from James T. Stewart, Subject: MOL Optical System Payload and Design 9/23/1966 30
295 DORIAN Lockheed Missile and Space Company, Offer to Sell Military Mission Simulation System 9/26/1966 3
296 MOL Mission Planning and Generalized Target Model 9/27/1966 9
297 Memorandum for Director Defense Research and Engineering, Subject: MOL Versus an Equivalent Wholly Unmanned System 9/27/1966 8
298 DORIAN Briefing, Possible Utilization of MOL Hardware for Long Duration Bioastronautics Test Missions 9/28/1966 41
299 Briefing to Presidents Science Advisory Committee on Possible Utilization of MOL Hardware for Long Duration Bioastronautics Test Missions 9/30/1966 22
300 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from Harry L. Evans, Subject: MOL Comparison Study Briefing for the Secretary of Defense 10/2/1966 1
301 Letter to Charles L. Schultze about the Studies Between the MOL Program and the Development of a Wholly Unmanned System of Equivalent Resolution 10/3/1966 2
302 Memorandum for Gen. Evans from Dr. Yarymovych, Subject: Comments on MOL SPO Letter on Subject of MOL Flight Test Objectives 10/4/1966 3
303 MOL Monthly Status Report: 9/66 10/6/1966 7
304 Memorandum to Deputy Director, MOL from Gen. Evans, Subject: DoD Participation in NASA Earth Sensing Programs 10/18/1966 8
305 Use of Easter Island for MOL Program 10/22/1966 3
306 MOL Program Instruction No. 1, MOL Management Meeting, Gen. Ferguson 10/27/1966 5
307 Memorandum for the Director of Defense, Research & Engineering, Subject: MOL/NRO Tasks for Ocean Surveillance 10/27/1966 3
308 Memorandum for Dr. Flax, Subject: Electromagnetic Pointing System for MOL 10/27/1966 21
309 MOL Monthly Status Report: 10/66 11/1/1966 5
310 Contingency Planning for MOL Flights 5, 6, & 7 11/9/1966 2
311 ITEK Corporation, Acquisition Telescope Preliminary Design Study 1/15/1966 15
312 Proceedings of Air Force MOL Policy Committee Meeting, 11/22/66 11/22/1966 5
313 Employment of the MOL Photographic Product 11/29/1966 3
314 Delegation of Authority and Designation as Head of a Procuring Activity, 12/1/66 12/1/1966 7
315 Memorandum to General Electric Company from Ward M. Millar, Subject: Information Policy on MOL Program 12/2/1966 1
316 MOL Monthly Status Report: 11/66 12/6/1966 7
317 Letter to Lt. Col. Ward M. Millar from R.C. Sharpe, Subject: Identification of the MOL Program 12/6/1966 2
318 Memorandum for Brig. Gen. Russell A. Berg from Harry L. Evans, Subject: MOL Follow-On Program Options 12/16/1966 4
319 Memorandum for Dr. Brown from Harry L. Evans, Subject: Status of MOL Program Contracts 12/16/1966 6
320 Memorandum for the Director MOL from Gen. Evans, Subject: MOL Program Plan and Funding Requirements 12/21/1966 6
321 Memorandum for Director MOL from Dr. Flax, Subject: Policy Relating to MOL Astronauts 12/28/1966 25
322 MOL Monthly Status Report: 12/66 1/6/1967 8
323 Memorandum to SecDef from Dr. Brown, Subject: MOL's Listing in DoD Master Urgency List 1/7/1967 2
324 Action Items from Last MOL Program Review: Documents Image Distortion Issues with the MOL Camera and the Acquisition and Tracking System 1/9/1967 5
325 Memorandum for Director, MOL Program from Alexander H. Flax, Subject: Authorization to Proceed with the Engineering Development Phase of the MOL Program 1/13/1967 1
326 NPIC Support for the DORIAN Program 1/13/1967 19
327 Minutes from 1/5/67, 3/10/67, and 4/14/67 MOL Management Meetings 1/16/1967 13
328 Memorandum for the Record, from Harry L. Evans, Subject: 1/5/67 MOL Management Meeting 1/16/1967 186
329 Briefing to General Evans, Approach to MOL Follow-On Planning 1/16/1967 29
330 Memorandum for Colonel Worthman from Richard S. Quiggins, Subject: Ambassador Goldberg being Briefed on MOL 1/16/1967 1
331 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from Harry L. Evans, Subject: Extended Lifetime Support Module for MOL 1/16/1967 6
332 Delegation of Authority and Designation as Head of a Procuring Activity, 1/20/67 1/20/1967 6
333 PSAC Panel Report, Subject: MOL Security 1/21/1967 2
334 Review of MOL/DORIAN Ground Test Planning 1/23/1967 81
335 Acoustic and Vibration Testing 1/26/1967 34
336 MOL Engineering Baseline Description to Mr. Gehrig and Others of the House Committee 1/30/1967 27
337 Lifetime Support Module for MOL 1/30/1967 1
338 Memorandum for Assistant Secretary of Air Force (R&D) from Dr. Foster, Subject: Extended Lifetime Support Module for MOL 1/31/1967 1
339 MOL Monthly Status Report: 1/67 2/7/1967 8
340 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from Gen. Evans, Subject: Astronomical Mission for MOL 2/7/1967 2
341 Application of MOL to Astronomical Observations 2/9/1967 8
342 Paper for Coordination Written by Capt. Goolsby, USN, Subject: Flight Objectives for MOL 2/9/1967 27
343 Photographic Readout System for Use in Reconnaissance Aircraft 2/9/1967 10
344 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from Gen. Ferguson, Subject: MOL Priorities 2/13/1967 11
345 Memorandum for Gen. Martin, Subject: Comments Related to the Benefits of the Presence of Man 2/13/1967 2
346 Review of MOL/DORIAN: Ground Test Planning 2/15/1967 27
347 MOL Management Meeting Minutes: Minutes from 2/15/67 2/15/1967 204
348 MOL/DORIAN Schedule/Cost Information 2/17/1967 2
349 MOL Program Directive: Security and Information 2/20/1967 18
350 MOL Monthly Management Meeting on 2/15/67 2/21/1967 3
351 Memorandum for Chief of Staff, USAF, Subject: MOL Requirement at Easter Island 2/24/1967 4
352 MOL Program Office Instruction No. 2, MOL Executive Council Management Meetings: Establishes Policy and Procedures for the MOL Executive Council Meetings 2/25/1967 6
353 MOL Directive No. 67-4, MOL Program Advanced Planning Approved by Gen. Ferguson 3/1/1967 6
354 Provisions of DRV and WBDL in MOL 3/1/1967 4
355 MOL Monthly Status Report: 2/67 3/6/1967 7
356 Photographic Intelligence Indoctrination Program for MOL Astronauts 3/13/1967 2
357 Memorandum for D/NRO from Harry L. Evans, Subject: Recommendations on Readout in the MOL Program 3/13/1967 7
358 Memorandum for the Record, from Richard C. Randall, Subject: 3/10/67 Meeting on MOL Revised Costs/Schedules 3/14/1967 3
359 Memorandum for Gen. Evans from Paul J. Heran, Subject: Decisions/Guidance for MOL 3/14/1967 2
360 MOL/DORIAN Funding Issues 3/22/1967 1
361 Letter to Gen. Evans from Gen. Hobson, Subject: Utilization of NASA Gemini Program Equipment on the MOL Program 3/24/1967 6
362 Handwritten note for Mr. Worthman and Gen. Stewart about MOL 3/28/1967 3
363 Aerospace Corporation, Application of MOL Hardware for Rendezvous/Resupply Operating Mode 3/31/1967 28
364 MOL Engineering Baseline Description Briefing 4/6/1967 51
365 MOL Proposed Plan to Reduce Early Fiscal Year and Overall Funding Requirements 4/10/1967 3
366 Memorandum for Deputy Director MOL Program from James T. Stewart, Subject: Advance Planning 4/11/1967 2
367 MOL Planning Briefing, 4/12/67 4/12/1967 237
368 DORIAN General Electric, Douglas Aircraft, and Eastman Kodak Briefing: Schedule Reprogramming and Technical Status 4/21/1967 53
369 Memorandum for Gen. Stewart from Walter W. Sanders, Subject: Convertibility in the MOL Program 4/27/1967 1
370 Convertibility in the MOL Program 4/27/1967 38
371 From MOL Systems Program Office to Douglas Aircraft Company, Subject: Request for Engineering Change Proposal 5/3/1967 9
372 MOL Monthly Status Report: 4/67 5/5/1967 5
373 MOL Monthly Status Report: 3/67 5/5/1967 11
374 Program Status: Fiscal Year 1967 Significant Milestones 5/10/1967 192
375 Memorandum for the Record from Richard H. Campbell, Subject: MOL Planetary Observations Program Directive 5/10/1967 2
376 Memorandum for the Record, Subject: Minutes, 5/11 MOL Management Meeting 5/11/201567 10
377 MOL Management Responsibilities 5/15/1967 1
378 Response to Questions Regarding MOL 5/15/1967 2
379 An Unmanned DORIAN System 5/16/1967 12
380 Cost of an Unmanned DORIAN Reconnaissance Satellite System 5/16/1967 12
381 MOL Management Meeting Minutes, 5/11/67 5/17/1967 5
382 Management Responsibility for Phase II MOL/DORIAN Activities at GE 5/18/1967 17
383 Memorandum for the Record, Presentation of Paper on Unmanned DORIAN System to Mr. Michaels, Staff Member of the House Appropriations Committee 5/19/1967 5
384 Memorandum for the Record, Subject: Manned Versus Unmanned MOL Cost Comparisons 5/19/1967 17
385 DORIAN Operations Concept for MOL Manned/Automatic Configuration 5/26/1967 53
386 Proceedings of Air Force MOL Policy Committee Meeting, 6/1/67 6/1/1967 7
387 MOL Monthly Status Report: 5/67 6/5/1967 6
388 Memorandum for Gen. Stewart, Subject: MOL Computer Program Management 6/12/1967 5
389 SSD Simulator Validation by Gemini Visual Acuity Experiment 6/12/1967 11
390 MOL Technical Director Memo for the Record, Subject: DORIAN Status Briefing to Dr. Hornig 6/12/1967 2
391 Questions on MOL from Office of SecDef 6/13/1967 4
392 An Operations Concept for the MOL/DORIAN: Manned/Automatic Configuration 6/15/1967 20
393 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from Dr. Michael I. Yarymovych, Subject: Competition on Beryllium Gimbal for DORIAN Payload 6/15/1967 1
394 MOL Program Plan, Volume 1 of 2 6/115/1967 119
395 MOL Program Plan, Volume 2 of 2 6/15/1967 137
396 Executive Session, MOL Program Review as of 6/14/67 6/17/1967 48
397 Delegation of Special Authority to the Head of a Procuring Activity 6/20/1967 5
398 Memorandum for D/MOL Program, Director of Special Projects from Alexander H. Flax, Subject: MOL Program Management 6/23/1967 20
399 Memorandum for Gen. Ferguson from Gen. Stewart, Subject: Recent MOL Events 6/27/1967 1
400 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from C.L. Battle, Subject: MOL Readout and Capsule Recovery 6/27/1967 2
401 Re-delegation of Procurement Authority 6/27/1967 4
402 Memorandum for the Record Written by Dr. Yarymovych, Subject: MOL Briefing to GAO 6/28/1967 1
403 DORIAN Minutes of MOL Electromagnetic Compatibility Control Board Meeting 6/30/1967 84
404 Personnel Transfers Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 7/1/1967 3
405 Letter to Gen. Stewart from Executive Director NPIC, Subject: Recent Visit to Rochester & Philadelphia for a Fill-In on Status of DORIAN 7/3/1967 1
406 MOL Monthly Status Report: 6/67 7/6/1967 5
407 Lockheed DORIAN Resupply Study 7/6/1967 66
408 Review of Program Status & Problems for Vice Director, MOL 7/7/1967 226
409 Memorandum to Director, Procurement & Production MOL by Gen. Keeling, Subject: Re-delegation of Procurement Authority 7/8/1967 3
410 Briefings to General Stewart 7/10/1967 33
411 Memorandum for Gen. Bleymaier from James T. Stewart, Subject: 7/7/67 MOL Internal Management Meeting 7/20/1967 7
412 MOL Monthly Management Report: 5/25/67 - 6/25/67 7/21/1967 10
413 MOL/DORIAN Overview: Importance of the Program to the United States 7/24/197 7
414 DORIAN General Electric & Eastman Kodak Briefing: Technical Status 7/27/1967 39
415 MOL Support Module Wideband Weight and Power Briefing for Program Review Council 7/27/1967 36
416 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from Maj. Gen. James T. Stewart, Subject: Resolution-Value Study for MOL 7/31/1967 2
417 MOL Monthly Status Report: 7/67 8/7/1967 4
418 MOL Planning Summary, 8/7/67 8/7/1967 22
419 MOL Management Directive, 8/8/67 8/8/1967 39
420 MOL VIP Presentation: High Level Update on Program 8/9/1967 66
421 Work Statement for DORIAN MP&E Development Phase 8/10/1967 2
422 MOL Generalized Target Model, Final Report, File Y Project Goodfellow 8/18/1967 9
423 Wood and Plastic Mock-Up of Acquisition Optics Subsystem Telescope 8/21/1967 4
424 MOL Management Directive, 8/23/67 8/23/1967 2
425 Memorandum for Gen. Ferguson, Subject: Monthly Management Report, 6/25/67 - 7/25/67 8/23/1967 8
426 Aerospace Corporation, MOL Program History 8/27/1967 8
427 Information Sheet for COMIREX, DORIAN Camera System 8/31/1967 3
428 Memorandum for Col. Howard from C.L. Battle, Subject: COMIREX Queries Concerning Gen. Stewart's DORIAN Briefing 8/31/1967 1
429 Presentation by General Stewart on DORIAN 9/1/1967 37
430 PSAC Review of MOL, 9/5/67 9/5/1967 8
431 MOL Monthly Status Report: 8/67 9/7/1967 3
432 President's Science Advisory Committee Briefings on Image Velocity Sensor (IVS) and Acquisition and Tracking System 9/7/1967 31
433 Basis for Confidence in Achieving the Objectives of MOL 9/8/1967 2
434 CCN for Phase I Support Module Study, The Automatic Mode Photographic Subsystem Of MOL/DORIAN Flight Vehicles 6 & 7 9/15/1967 6
435 Memorandum for Dr. Flax, Subject: Project Argo/DORIAN 9/19/1967 5
436 DORIAN Douglas Aircraft Corporation & Aerospace Corporation MOL Support Module Phase I Study Statement of Work 9/20/1967 18
437 Support Module Statement Of Work, Eastman Kodak Company 9/20/1967 10
438 ITEK Corporation, Preliminary Design Review Report, Acquisition Optics Subsystem, Volume I 9/25/1967 454
439 Observations on MOL Status: Cable Indicating the Funding Cutbacks Should be Considered as a Program Slippage, Not Misinterpreted as a De-emphasis of the Program 10/4/1967 1
440 Memorandum for the Record: Subject, 9/29/67, MOL Program Review Council Meeting 10/6/1967 7
441 MOL Monthly Status Report: 9/67 10/9/1967 4
442 Memorandum for Deputy Director MOL, Subject: MOL Advanced Planning by Gen. Stewart 10/10/1967 1
443 Optical Evaluation Procedures 10/10/1967 10
444 MOL Review of Graphics and Supporting Material 10/20/1967 3
445 High Resolution Photography, Volume 1 10/20/1967 56
446 Quick History of Aerospace Affects on MOL Payload 10/24/1967 3
447 Complementary Apollo Applications and MOL Program 10/24/1967 25
448 MOL Monthly Management Report, 8/25/67 - 9/25-67 10/25/1967 7
449 MOL Financial and Program Schedule Adjustment Review 10/27/1967 49
450 Aerospace Corporation Contributions of Man in the MOL/DORIAN System 10/31/1967 55
451 Talking Paper MOL/AAP Considerations 11/1/1967 42
452 MOL Monthly Status Report: 10/67 11/7/1967 4
453 Memorandum for General Stewart from: Ralph J. Ford, Subject: GAO Review of MOL 11/8/1967 1
454 Operation Order for Support of MOL (Program 632A) from AFSC 11/14/1967 43
455 MOL Monthly Management Report: 9/25/67 - 10/25/67 11/20/1967 7
456 MOL Program Review Committee Meeting Minutes for 11/17/67 11/27/1967 83
457 Notes on Selection of Targets for Viewing 11/28/1967 11
458 MOL Program Office Instruction No. 5, MOL Program Office Organization 12/1/1967 10
459 MOL Program Office Instruction No. 4, MOL Program Office Organization 12/1/1967 11
460 MOL Program Office Instruction No. 3, MOL Program Management Activities 12/1/1967 13
461 Auxiliary Memory Unit (AMU) Profile 12/4/1967 6
462 General Electric, Performance/Design and Product Configuration Requirements for Image Velocity Sensor 121/4/1967 61
463 MOL Program - Interface Documentation 12/5/1967 16
464 MOL Monthly Status Report: 11/67 12/6/1967 4
465 Memorandum for Dr. Leonard from James T. Stewart, Subject: ATS Resolution Capability 12/6/1967 4
466 ATS Resolution Capability 12/6/1967 5
467 MOL Monthly Management Report, 10/25/67 - 11/25/67 12/12/1967 9
468 Memorandum for Gen. Stewart from Dr. Yarymovych, Subject: Response to SecDef on MOL Program 12/13/1967 3
469 Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense from Harold Brown, Subject: MOL Program 12/15/1967 11
470 Memorandum for Dr. Flax, Subject: Deferral of Development of the Unmanned MOL System 1/1/1968 12
471 Position Description for the Assistant for MOL, NRO Staff 1/1/1968 4
472 DORIAN Optical Quality Factor 1/2/1968 4
473 MOL Monthly Status Report: 12/67 1/4/1968 6
474 Program Modifications, 1/8/68 1/8/1968 68
475 Memorandum of Understanding Between DoD Manager for Manned Space Flight Support Operations and the Director MOL Program 1/15/1968 4
476 MOL Monthly Management Report: 11/25/67 - 12/25/67 1/18/1968 6
477 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from James T. Stewart, Subject: MOL Program Structure Title Change 1/19/1968 12
478 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from Gen. Stewart, Subject: MOL Program Structure Title Change 1/19/1968 11
479 MOL Test Objectives Review Board Briefing 2/2/1968 59
480 Minutes of the MOL Test Objectives Review Board 2/2/1968 65
481 Memorandum for the Record, Subject: MOL/DORIAN Briefing to House Committee on Science and Astronautics Members 2/8/1968 3
482 Aerospace Corporation, Subject: Test Objectives Review Board 2/12/1968 9
483 Memorandum for the Record, by Col. Ford, Subject: MOL Program Briefing, DORIAN Level for Key Staff Members of the House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on DoD (Mahon) 2/12/1968 4
484 Targeting Positioning for the MOL 2/113/1968 2
485 General Electric, Engineering Analysis Report Acquisition Subsystem for MOL 2/13/1968 612
486 Space Council Meeting: Meeting Minutes Discuss Some Confusion about Who Should be Reviewing the Value of MOL to the Reconnaissance Program 2/16/1968 5
487 Memorandum to DDR&E from AS/ST, Subject: To Inform Dr. Flax of the Discussions on MOL at the Space Council Meeting on February 14, Covering Brief 2/16/1968 3
488 Special Materials Support Requirements for MOL, 2/19/68 2/19/1968 2
489 Special Materials Support Requirements for MOL with Attachment, 2/19/68 2/19/1968 20
490 MOL/NSAM Briefings to Ambassador Bohlen and State Department Staff Members 2/19/1968 4
491 Memorandum for the Record, from: James T. Stewart, Subject: 2/14 Space Council Meeting, DORIAN 2/19/1968 3
492 Memorandum for the Record from James T. Stewart, Subject: MOL/NSAM 156 Briefings to Ambassador Bohlen and State Department Staff Members, DORIAN 2/19/1968 4
493 Memorandum for the Record, Subject: MOL/NSAM 156 Briefings to Ambassador Bohlen and State Department Staff Members 2/19/1968 3
494 MOL Program Review Council Meeting, 2/20/1968 2/20/1968 59
495 MOL and the National Intelligence Program 2/26/1968 3
496 Effects of Pointing and Target Tracking on DORIAN Photography 3/1/1968 16
497 Memorandum for Members of MOL Executive Council, Subject: Guidance for MOL Contractors in Dealings with Members of Congress 3/1/1968 4
498 Memorandum for the Record, by Gen. Stewart, Subject: MOL Briefings for House Armed Services Committee Members 3/1/1968 2
499 Briefings on MOL Error Budget and Target Location Uncertainties, 2/27/68 3/5/1968 4
500 Memorandum for Deputy DDR&E from Mr. Helms, Subject: Intelligence Requirements for the MOL Program 3/5/1968 1
501 Program Review Council Meeting Overview, 2/20/68 3/5/1968 5
502 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from Gen. Stewart, Subject: SAF Comments on MOL Monthly Status Report for February 3/11/1968 7
503 Mission Data Adapter Unit (MDAU) for MOL 3/112/1968 1
504 Special Materials Support Requirements for MOL, 3/12/68 3/12/1968 2
505 Development of Master Photo Chip and Increased ACIC Support for MOL 3/20/1968 1
506 MOL DORIAN Briefing to Chairman Chet Holifield 3/20/1968 2
507 Memorandum for Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence from Gen. Stewart, Subject: Special Materials Support Requirements for MOL 3/20/1968 1
508 MOL Monthly Management Report: 1/25/68 - 2/25/68 3/21/1968 9
509 Special Materials Support Requirements for MOL, 3/21/68 3/21/1968 1
510 MOL/DORIAN Requirements: As Stated by COMIREX 3/25/1968 5
511 Program Review Council Meeting, Los Angeles, California 4/2/1968 7
512 Minutes of Incremental Preliminary Design Review of Acquisition Subsystem 4/3/1968 375
513 ITEK Corporation, Rhomboid Alignment Procedure Scanner for the Slide Viewing System 4/4/1968 6
514 Letter to DIA from General Thomas, Subject: Special Materials Support Requirements for MOL 4/8/1968 12
515 Intelligence Information for Dr. Foster's Appearance Before the Senate Subcommittee on Military Preparedness 4/11/1968 5
516 Memorandum for Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) from Dr. Flax, Subject: Public Presentation of Professional Papers Related to MOL 4/19/1968 4
517 Memorandum for Colonel Ford, Subject: Schedule Implications of Deferring Unmanned Vehicle Development Costs Until FY 1970 and Beyond 4/22/1968 15
518 Special Materials Support Requirements for MOL, 4/24/68 4/24/1968 1
519 MOL Monthly Management Report: 2/25/68 - 3/25/68 4/29/1968 9
520 MOL System Engineering for the MOL Program, Proposed DORIAN Part II 5/6/1968 125
521 MOL Flight Test and Operations Plan 5/8/1968 523
522 Contractor Allocations against Specific Numerical Requirements of SS-MOL-1B 5/9/1968 84
523 MOL Program Review Council Meeting 5/6/68 5/14/1968 8
524 MOL Program Office Directive 68-2, Program Requirement Document: Security Policy for MOL Contractors Desiring to use Fact of MOL Program Participation to Win New Business from the Federal Government 5/15/1968 8
525 MOL Planetary Observations 5/15/1968 8
526 MOL Program Phase II Management Activities 5/15/1968 64
527 The Intelligence Value of the MOL Program 5/15/1968 5
528 General Electric, Limited Search Mode Capabilities of the ATS 5/20/1968 21
529 MOL Monthly Management Report, 3/25/68 - 4/25/68 5/22/1968 9
530 Development of Master Photo Chip and ACIC Support of the MOL Program 5/24/1968 2
531 Subject: Action to Reduce MOL Program 5/24/1968 2
532 MOL Orbit Altitudes 5/24/1968 3
533 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from James T. Stewart, Subject: Deferral of Development of the Unmanned MOL System 6/1/1968 26
534 ITEK Corporation, Results of Qualitative Test Image Evaluation Resolution 6/3/1968 33
535 Electromagnetic Compatibility Control Plan Composite System 6/6/1968 26
536 Structural Criteria for Laboratory Vehicle for the MOL Program 6/6/1968 20
537 MOL Explosive Ordnance Systems Requirements 6/61968 29
538 MOL Orbiting Vehicle Power Utilization Control 6/6/1968 236
539 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from Mr. Goulding, Subject: Release of Technical Papers on MOL 6/10/1968 1
540 MOL Monthly Management Report: 4/25/68 - 5/25/68 6/17/1968 8
541 Talking Paper MOL/Apollo Applications Program (AAP) Considerations 6/18/1968 43
542 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from: James T. Stewart, Subject: NASA Interest in MOL 6/20/1968 2
543 Memorandum for Deputy Secretary of Defense from: John Foster, Jr. Subject: DOD/NASA Joint Program Review, Ways of Using MOL Hardware in Post-Apollo Program 6/27/1968 2
544 Memorandum to Dr. Flax from Gen Stewart, Subject: MOL Program Options 6/27/1968 5
545 DORIAN Goodyear Aerospace Corporation Technical Proposal, RFP 159 6/28/1968 60
546 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from Gen. Stewart, Subject: FY 69/70 MOL Program 7/1/1968 3
547 MOL Program Review Council Meeting, 6/24/68 7/1/1968 5
548 Memorandum for the Record, Subject: MOL Meeting with NASA AAP Representatives 7/1/1968 17
549 MOL Monthly Status Report: 6/68 7/3/1968 6
550 TRW Response to SAMSO Satellite 7/5/1968 2
551 Memorandum for Dr. Flax, Subject: NPIC Training for Astronauts 7/5/1968 58
552 Hycon, Volume II Technical Proposal, Beta System, Model HG-469B 7/5/1968 140
553 ITEK Corporation, Preliminary Design Review Report, A/O Scanner Assembly 7/5/1968 365
554 Mr. Steadman's Speech 7/12/1968 2
555 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from Gen Stewart, Subject: MOL Fuel Cell 7/12/1968 5
556 Aerospace Corporation, Subject: DORIAN Monthly Progress Report 6/1/68 - 6/30/68 7/15/1968 14
557 Aerospace Corporation, MOL Thermal Distortion Predictions for ULE and Cer-Vit Tracking Mirrors 7/15/1968 3
558 MOL Monthly Management Report: 5/25/68 - 6/25/68 7/16/1968 6
559 ITEK Corporation, MOL Design Report Slide Viewing System 7/16/1968 56
560 Aerospace Corporation Neutral Buoyancy Integrated Test Requirements, with Attachment Underwater Weightlessness Simulation 7/17/1968 10
561 Memorandum for the Record, Subject: NASA/MOL Meeting, 7/10/68 7/17/1968 14
562 ITEK Corporation, Optical Alignment Procedure K Rotator Assembly, Drawing 122430 7/21/1968 8
563 Trip Report - Air Force/Contractor MOL Program Rescheduling Meeting 7/22/1968 4
564 Memorandum to Col. Battle from Richard A. DeLong, Subject: MOL Readout Capability 7/23/1968 1
565 DORIAN Aerospace Corporation Bench Test Contrast Data 7/26/1968 2
566 Aerospace Corporation & General Electric ITEK Corporation Field Curvature Bench Test Results 7/26/1968 3
567 Aerospace Corporation, Use of Anamorphs in Simulator 7/26/1968 3
568 Aerospace Corporation, Optical Surface Quality Specification 7/26/1968 11
569 Memorandum for the Record, Subject: MOL Electrical Power System Status 7/26/1968 2
570 ITEK Corporation, Technical Proposal Image Velocity Sensor with Image Intensified Vidicon 7/29/1968 54
571 DORIAN Aerospace Corporation Briefing Charts: Stick Transfer Function Briefing 7/31/1968 20
572 Aerospace Corporation, MOL Monthly Progress Reports, 7/1/68 - 7/31/68 7/31/1968 11
573 Aerospace Corporation, MOL Soft Switching in the PSS 8/1/1968 5
574 Aerospace Corporation, Briefing MOL Support by SCF 8/2/1968 11
575 MOL Laboratory Vehicle Low Level Vibration Acceptance Tests 8/3/1968 3
576 MOL Monthly Management Report: 6/25/68 - 7/25/68 8/5/1968 6
577 MOL Monthly Status Report: 7/68 8/6/1968 6
578 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from James T. Stewart, Subject: MOL Data Requested by NASA, List of Documents and Studies Provided NASA 8/6/1968 3
579 Memorandum for Gen. Stewart from Gen. Bleymaier, Subject: Schedule and Funding Problems Associated with the Acquisition of COMSEC Hardware, SCF Hardware and SCF Engineering Support for MOL 8/6/1968 5
580 ITEK Corporation, Eyepiece Assembly Test Procedure, Drawing No. 14911 8/6/1968 4
581 Minutes of Technical Direction Meeting for the Beta System 8/9/1968 6
582 ITEK Corporation, Optical Alignment Procedure Lower Rhomboid Arm, Drawing No. 122433 8/12/1968 6
583 Issuance of RFPs on MOL Fuel Cells 8/13/1968 4
584 DORIAN ITEK Corporation Index to Alignment Procedures and Test Procedures 8/14/1968 2
585 ITEK Corporation, Primary Reticle Assembly Procedure, Drawing No. 149107 8/15/1968 6
586 ITEK Corporation, Interim Report Point Spread Function (PSF) Measurements Made on Slide Viewing System 8/16/1968 37
587 Aerospace Corporation, Trip Report—FAMS Light Location Review at Eastman Kodak 8/16/1968 4
588 A Summary of The Paul-Beta Sensor Operation 8/23/1968 14
589 Memorandum for Mr. Palley, Subject: MOL Development Costs 8/27/1968 17
590 DORIAN Image Velocity Sensor Primer 8/28/1968 8
591 Memorandum for Deputy Director, MOL from Gen Stewart, Subject: MOL Image Velocity Sensor (IVS) Ad Hoc Review Group 8/28/1968 5
592 Acquisition Subsystem On-Orbit Performance Prediction 9/1/1968 53
593 Memorandum for Dr. Flax from Gen. Stewart, Subject: MOL Development Costs 9/6/1968 6
594 Memorandum to Maj. Wolfsberger from Col. Merritt, Subject: Space Electric Power Requirements for Advanced MOL Missions 9/6/1968 2
595 MOL Monthly Status Report: 8/68 9/91968 6
596 DORIAN Aerospace Corporation Guidance and Control Laboratory Justification Direct Hardware Support and Hardware Studies for Air Force Satellite Programs and Activities in Support of MOL 9/10/1968 3
597 Introduction to the DORIAN IVS System 9/10/1968 36
598 Letter to Colonel Yost from James T. Stewart, Subject: Arms Limitation Agreement 9/11/1968 9
599 Capabilities and Computational Methods of the TWONDER Study Program for MOL 9/12/1968 363
600 MOL Baseline Document for Statistical Program of On-Board Decisions, Computer Program to Simulate Target Visibility Activities 9/18/1968 22
601 Special Materials Support Requirements for MOL, 9/19/68 9/19/1968 2
602 MOL DORIAN Image Velocity Sensor Sub-System, AD/HOC Review Group Final Report 9/19/68 9/19/1968 10
603 Goodyear Aerospace Corporation Subcontract #029B25006, Performance Prediction Techniques Final Technical Report 9/20/1968 32
604 NRO Proposals for Meeting World-Wide Positioning Requirements KH-4B System to Incorporate a Transit Beacon 9/20/1968 2
605 Image Velocity Sensor Subsystem Review Presentation Charts, Ad Hoc Review Group Final Report 9/20/1968 212
606 Image Velocity Sensor Subsystem, Ad Hoc Review Group Final Report 9/20/1968 11
607 MOL Monthly Management Report: 7/25/68 - 8/25/68 9/24/1968 9
608 Memo for COMIREX, Subject: Program for Planning the Exploitation of Reconnaissance Imagery 9/25/1968 13
609 Memorandum for Dr. Flax and Gen. Ferguson, Subject: MOL Image Velocity Sensor (IVS) Ad Hoc Review Group 9/26/201568 3
610 Paper to Gen. Ferguson from Gen. Stewart, Subject: Update on MOL Happenings 9/27/1968 2
611 MOL Monthly Progress Report, 9/1/68 - 9/30/68 9/30/1968 8
612 Special Materials Support Requirements for MOL, 10/2/68 10/2/1968 1
613 General Electric, Mary Dynamic Null Study to Explain How the Hycon Image Velocity Sensor Works 10/2/1968 17
614 MOL Monthly Status Report: 9/68 10/7/1968 4
615 DORIAN Aerospace Corporation Performance Calculation 10/7/1968 2
616 Aerospace Corporation, Acceptance Technical Readiness and FACI Briefing 8/10/1968 12
617 MOL Monthly Management Report: 25 August - 25 September 68 10/9/1968 5
618 DORIAN Aerospace Corporation Image Velocity Sensor (IVS) Comments MOL 10/9/1968 12
619 Statement of Work - MOL System 10/16/1968 7
620 Memorandum for Dr. Flax & Gen. Ferguson from James T. Stewart, Subject: Eastman Kodak Study of Possible Future MOL Camera System Improvements 10/16/1968 3
621 Mission Development Simulator Performance Design Requirements for MOL 10/18/1968 185
622 General Electric, Contract End Item Detail Specification (Prime Equipment) Performance/Design and Product Configuration Requirements 10/18/1968 62
623 Special Materials Support Requirements for MOL, 10/23/68 10/23/1968 2
624 DORIAN Aerospace Corporation ATS Alignment Accuracy Requirements For Tracking Assembly 10/23/1968 2
625 DORIAN Aerospace Corporation MOL PSPP Update, Advance Plans Section 10/24/1968 9
626 Aerospace Corporation, Subject: A Proposal for a Vehicle Based Alignment System 10/24/1968 35
627 Aerospace Corporation, MOL Briefing Charts, Pointing and Tracking Simulator 10/24/1968 24
628 Program Review Council Agenda, Part 1, 10/24/1968 10/274/1968 50
629 Program Review Council Agenda, Part 2, 10/24/1968 10/24/1968 61
630 DORIAN Aerospace Corporation Work Statement Review, Recommended Changes To Contractor's Statement of Work for MOL 10/28/1968 17
631 Aerospace Corporation, Relationship Between Mirror Gimbal Angles and Stereo and Obliquity Angles 10/28/1968 19
632 Memorandum for Gen. Bleymaier from Gen. Stewart, Subject: Schedule and Funding Problems for MOL Secure Communications 10/31/1968 2
633 DORIAN, Aerospace Corporation MOL Monthly Progress Report for 10/1/68 through 10/31/68 10/31/1968 4
634 PAUL-BETA Subsystem, Engineering Prototype Evaluation Model, Part 0, Final Report 10/31/1968 114
635 Program Review Council Meeting, 10/24/68 11/2/1968 5
636 MOL Monthly Status Report: 10/68 11/8/1968 10
637 MOL Monthly Management Report: 9/26/68 - 10/25/68 11/14/1968 8
638 Aerospace Corporation, Simulators Status and Plans 11/19/1968 32
639 Memorandum by John Kirk, Past Experience on the MOL Program 11/22/1968 4
640 ITEK Corporation, Quarterly Technical Progress Report, Dual Strip Camera Back Study Phase IV 11/22/1968 58
641 Aerospace Corporation, Manpower Support to MOL 11/25/1968 183
642 Eastman Kodak Company, Engineering Analysis Report, Photographic Payload and Related Support and Test Equipment for MOL/DORIAN System, Volume 1 11/27/1968 382
643 Eastman Kodak Company, Engineering Analysis Report, Photographic Payload and Related Support and Test Equipment for MOL/DORIAN System, Volume 2 11/27/1968 313
644 General Electric, Mission Development Simulator, Phase 0, System Test Requirements, Revision A 12/2/1968 64
645 General Electric, Mission Development Simulator, Phase 0, System Test Plan 12/5/1968 87
646 MOL Monthly Status Report: 11/68 12/6/1968 5
647 Letter to Paul H. Nitze from Richard Helms, Subject: Comments on the Development Concept Paper Relating to the MOL Program 12/6/1968 2
648 DORIAN Successes with SO-121 Color Film 12/9/1968 2
649 Aerospace Corporation, Viewer Requirements: Associated Crew Tasks and Capabilities 12/17/1968 7
650 Memorandum for Gen. Stewart from Col. Ford, Subject: Funding for MOL Support Requirements 12/18/1968 2
651 DORIAN Aerospace Corporation MOL Progress Report for 11/1/68 through 11/30/68 12/19/1968 10
652 MOL Monthly Management Report: 10/26/68 - 11/25/68 12/20/1968 8
653 MOL Briefing by Vice Director, MOL Program to Dr. Townes Space Task Group 12/24/1968 8
654 White House Correspondence, Nixon Staff Task Force of Space 12/27/1968 1
655 DORIAN Aerospace Corp Block II Study, Improved Resolution 12/31/1968 3
656 General Electric, Initial Capability Readout System for Early Implementation into the MOL/DORIAN System 12/31/1968 187
657 NASA Letter to Air F orce Regarding use of Acquisition Tracking System 1/1/1969 2
658 Man in MOL, 1st Edition 1/2/1969 33
659 User's Manual for TSPOOND 1/7/1969 78
660 Aerospace Corporation MOL Technical Status Summary Briefing to General Ferguson, 1/9/69 1/9/1969 29
661 MOL Monthly Status Report: 12/68 1/13/1969 4
662 Nitze Comments on MOL Development Paper and the DDR&E/DIA Study of Very High Resolution (VHR) Imagery 1/13/1969 6
663 Aerospace Corporation, MOL Monthly Progress Report, 12/1/68 - 12/31/68 1/20/1969 10
664 Aerospace Corporation, Simulator Requirements Identified in MOL 1/23/1969 12
665 Selin Comments on MOL Development Paper and the DDR&E Study of Very High Resolution (VHR) Imagery 1/24/1969 14
666 General Electric, Mass Properties Status Report 1/25/1969 33
667 MOL Monthly Management Report: 11/26/68 - 12/25/68 1/27/1969 7
668 MOL DCP and the DDR&E/DIA Study of the Need for High Resolution 1/29/1969 6
669 MOL DCP 1/31/1969 1
670 MOL Program and Value of Very High Resolution Imagery 1/31/1969 5
671 TSPOOND Mathematical and Subroutine Description 2/3/1969 177
672 Intelligence Targets for MOL Crew Training, 2/4/69 2/4/1969 2
673 Intelligence Targets for MOL Crew Training, 2/5/69 2/5/1969 10
674 Packard Briefing, The MOL Program and Very High Resolution (VHR) Issues 2/6/1969 2
675 Aerospace Corporation Briefing, Wide Band Data Read Out 2/6/1969 20
676 MOL Monthly Status Report: 1/69 2/7/1969 6
677 MOL Monthly Management Report: 12/26/68 - 1/25/69 2/11/1969 7
678 Briefing on MOL and VHR Issues Given to Deputy SecDef on 2/8/69 2/11/1969 51
679 Letter to David Packard from Robert P. Mayo, Subject: Relative Value of the MOL for U.S. Force Structure Decisions 2/13/1969 11
680 Memorandum for Deputy Director, MOL from James T. Stewart, Subject: Designation of MOL as the KH-10 Photographic Reconnaissance Satellite System 2/14/1969 3
681 Memorandum for Director, Procurement & Production, MOL, Subject: Re-delegation of Procurement Authority 2/19/1969 1
682 Memorandum for Dr. McLucas - NASA Proposal to Study MOL ATS and DORIAN Technology 2/20/1969 6
683 ITEK Corporation, Final Report, Image Velocity Sensor Program 2/21/1969 132
684 Aerospace Corporation, Monthly Progress Report for MOL Program, 1/1/69 - 1/31/69 2/24/1969 16
685 Aerospace Corporation & Eastman Kodak Company Review Comments of The Eastman Kodak Engineering Analysis Report 2/25/1969 38
686 Memorandum for Dr. Seamans, Dr. Flax from James T. Stewart, Subject: MOL Program Alternatives 2/25/1969 38
687 MOL Monthly Status Report: 2/69 2/28/1969 8
688 Letter for DNRO from Vice Director/MOL Program, Subject: MOL Book for Upcoming Congressional Hearings 3/5/1969 9
689 MOL Monthly Management Report: 1/26/69 - 2/25/69 3/7/1969 7
690 Memorandum for DDR&E from I. Nevin Palley, Subject: MOL Program Alternative Decision 3/10/1969 3
691 Aerospace Corporation, MOL Monthly Progress Report: 2/1/69 - 2/28/69 3/19/1969 13
692 General Electric, Mission Development Simulator, Phase 0, System Test Procedure 3/20/1969 179
693 General Electric, Viewgraph Presentation Alpha Subsystem Component Status 3/21/1969 109
694 Memorandum for Dr. Seamans from James T. Stewart, Subject: MOL Funding 3/26/1969 7
695 Aerospace Corporation, Last Quarter FY 1969 and FY 1970 Manpower Review Engineering Directorate 3/28/1969 54
696 Man in MOL, 2nd Edition 3/28/1969 37
697 MOL Monthly Status Report: 3/69 4/1/1969 5
698 Letter for Gen. Bleymaier from Gen. Stewart, Subject: The Development Effort Toward an Unmanned MOL Reconnaissance System in the Present Program has been Deferred 4/1/1969 3
699 Authority and Direction to Notify MOL Contractors 4/1/1969 2
700 Memorandum for Dr. McLucas from James T. Stewart, Subject: SAF-Level MOL Management 4/2/1969 22
701 Memorandum for Dr. McLucas, Subject: SAF-Level MOL Management 4/2/1969 7
702 MOL Backup Material for Congressional Hearings 4/3/1969 26
703 General Electric, Image Velocity Sensor 4/4/1969 27
704 MOL Monthly Management Report: 2/26/69 - 3/25/69 4/10/1969 8
705 MOL: Outlines the Case Against the MOL Program 4/14/1969 3
706 MOL Program Funding 4/14/1969 3
707 Briefing to Dr. McLucas, General Program Orientation 4/15/1969 108
708 MOL Program Review Council Meeting 4/15/1969 126
709 Draft Memorandum for the President, Subject: MOL 4/17/1969 7
710 Memorandum for Dr. Seamans from James T. Stewart, Subject: MOL FY 70 Program Options 4/22/1969 11
711 Computer Program Contract End Item Detail Specification Performance/Design Requirements, Mission Planning Software for MOL/DORIAN Program 632A 4/22/1969 80
712 PSAC Review of MOL 4/25/1969 2
713 Aerospace Corporation Memo, Subject: Current Ephemeris Error Estimates and Related Discussion 4/25/1969 13
714 Memorandum for The President from Melvin R. Laird, Subject: MOL 4/28/1969 24
715 Memorandum to Gen. Ferguson from James T. Stewart, Subject: Federal Budget for MOL 4/28/1969 3
716 Memorandum for Deputy SecDef from Robert C. Seamans, Jr, Subject: MOL FY70 Program Options 4/30/1969 25
717 General Electric, Stick Experiment for the Primary Optics System 5/1/1969 62
718 MOL Management; SAFRD and SAFUS 5/5/1969 2
719 ICRS Briefing on DORIAN Targeting Data Requirements 5/7/1969 16
720 DORIAN Aerospace Corporation MOL Four Charts Rendezvous Orbiting Vehicle Evolution 5/7/1969 4
721 Aerospace Corporation, Subject: Trip Report to Establish Working Relationship with Error Validation and Error Control People at General Electric 5/8/1969 7
722 Memorandum for Dr. Foster from Herbert D. Benington, Subject: Immediate Alternatives for MOL 5/8/1969 2
723 MOL Status Report: 5/9/69 5/9/1969 68
724 General Electric, Final Report, Survey Study of the Data Acquisition Potential of the "Enhanced" MOL/DORIAN Baseline System During the Block II (7/74 - 1/76) Time Period 5/9/1969 108
725 MOL Briefing to the House Armed Services Committee 5/13/1969 2
726 Point Paper on Man in MOL 5/14/1969 11
727 Aerospace Corporation, Subject: Trip Report to Inspect Alpha System Bench Test 5/14/1969 3
728 MOL Monthly Management Report, 3/26/69 - 4/25/69 5/16/1969 6
729 Memorandum for the Record from James T. Stewart, Subject: Meeting with The President 5/19/1969 5
730 Internal Management Audit of MOL 5/21/1969 10
731 Memorandum for Dr. McLucas from James T. Stewart, Subject: Internal Management Audit of MOL 5/21/1969 10
732 Aerospace Corporation, MOL Monthly Progress Report For 4/15/69 - 5/15/69 5/22/1969 14
733 The Rivers Committee and MOL, Congressional Hearing FY 70 RDT&E Authorization Request 5/28/1969 11
734 Memorandum for the Record, Subject: The Rivers Committee and MOL 5/28/1969 1
735 The Roles of Man in MOL, Volume II - Illustrations 6/1/1969 43
736 MOL Program Perspective 6/6/1969 6
737 Terminate MOL Except for the "Automatic" Camera System 6/7/1969 5
738 MOL Program Background 6/8/1969 9
739 Memorandum for SecDef from Robert C. Seamans, Jr., Subject: MOL Decision 6/8/1969 22
740 Memorandum for Gen. Bleymaier from James T. Stewart, Subject: MOL Termination Guidance 6/8/1969 7
741 Memorandum to Gen. Bleymaier from James T. Stewart, Subject: Future Plans for DORIAN Camera System 6/8/1969 3
742 The Department of Defense has Terminated the Air Force MOL Program 6/9/1969 6
743 Letter to George H. Mahon from David Packard, Subject: Primary Purpose of MOL 6/9/1969 8
744 Memorandum for Secretary of Air Force, D/NRO from David Packard, Subject: Termination of MOL Program 6/9/1969 1
745 Cable: Termination of MOL Program 6/9/1969 4
746 Program Schedule Status, Program Control Directorate, 6/10/69 6/10/1969 41
747 Memorandum for Dr. Seamans from James T. Stewart, Subject: MOL Termination 6/10/1969 3
748 MOL Program Termination 6/10/1969 3
749 DORIAN Aerospace Corporation, Flash Cleaning of Optical Surfaces in Vacuum 6/16/1969 3
750 DORIAN Camera System Continuation 6/18/1969 4
751 Cable, from Dr. McLucas to General's Martin & Bleymaier, DORIAN Camera Use in Unmanned Satellite 6/18/1969 7
752 Termination of MOL Contracts 6/23/1969 2
753 Memorandum for Alan M. Eldridge from Daniel L. Lycan, Subject: DoD's Termination of the Air Force's MOL Program 6/24/1969 4
754 Termination of MOL Program 6/25/1969 2
755 Aerospace Corporation, Technical Status of the DORIAN Payload at the Time of Termination 6/27/1969 16
756 MOL Security Policy on Contractor's Solicitation of New Business 6/30/1969 1
757 Aerospace Corporation, Technical Evaluation of General Electric, Performance of MOL 6/30/1969 57
758 Memorandum to Dr. Seamans from James T. Stewart, Subject: Ad Hoc Group to Review Residual MOL Hardware 6/30/1969 4
759 Cancellation of MOL Program 7/2/1969 3
760 Memorandum for Dr. Seamans from James T. Stewart, Subject: MOL Termination Status Report 7/3/1969 6
761 Development of Target Model for the DORIAN System 7/24/1969 118
762 DORIAN Memorandum for Dr. Seamans from Grant L. Hansen, Subject: Establishment of Ad Hoc Group to Review MOL Hardware 8/1/1969 1
763 Review of MOL Residuals 8/1/1969 180
764 Letter To Robert C. Seamans from Homer E. Newell Subject: DORIAN Elements 8/2869 25
765 Memorandum for Dr. McLucas from Ralph J. Ford Colonel, USAF, Subject: NASA Proposals to Study MOL, ATS and DORIAN Technology 9/1/1969 2
766 Memorandum for Security Advisor, NRO Staff from E.J. Kane, Subject: BYEMAN Security Policy Guidance Close Out of Project DORIAN 9/3/1969 3
767 Close-out of DORIAN Documentation and Materials 9/5/1969 1
768 Review of MOL Residuals-MOL 4 Pi Extended Performance Flight Computer 9/8/1969 2
769 Applications of the MOL Acquisition/Tracking System to NASA Space Missions 9/10/1969 37
770 NASA Proposal to Study MOL 9/12/1969 2
771 NASA Astronomy Program Considerations of DORIAN Technology 9/15/1969 13
772 The Rationalization of Very High Resolution 9/15/1969 5
773 NASA Proposals to Study MOL Acquisition Tracking System and DORIAN Technology 9/22/1969 8
774 Memorandum for Dr. Seamans, Subject: NASA Proposals to Study MOL Acquisition and Tracking System (ATS) 9/24/1969 6
775 Relation of MOL to Eight Card 9/25/1969 2
776 Letter to Homer E. Newell, Subject: NASA Interest in Exploring Utilization of Certain MOL Developed Hardware and Related Technology 9/29/1969 2
777 MOL Systems Office Post Termination Report 9/30/1969 148
778 Disposition of MOL Residuals 10/1/1969 9
779 MOL Howen Facility Photos 10/1/1969 2
780 MOL Inventory 10/2/1969 1
781 Cable, for Gen. Bleymaier, Disposition of MOL Residuals 10/3/1969 2
782 Memorandum to Mr. I. Nevin Palley from Floyd J. Sweet, Subject: MOL Acquisition and Tracking System and Mission Development Simulator 11/6/1969 7
783 Letter to John L. McLucas from Homer E. Newell, Subject: Study of Potential Application to NASA Mission of the MOL Acquisition & Tracking System 11/7/1969 8
784 ITEK 12" Brief to NASA 11/12/1969 3
785 NASA/GE Covert Study: Potential NASA Use of DORIAN ATS and Mission Development Simulator 11/18/1969 2
786 Memorandum for the Record, from Bertram Kemp, Subject: Disposition of Covert MOL Equipment 11/20/1969 2
787 NASA use of MOL Classified Residuals 152/1/1969 11
788 Disposition of MOL Program CITE Equipment 12/11/1969 7
789 Memorandum to Deputy Director, Procurement and Production, MOL from Gen. Higgins, Subject: Re-delegation of Procurement Authority 12/12/1969 1
790 Letter to John L. McLucas from Homer E. Newell, Subject: Examination of the Applicability of the MOL Developed Optical Technology & Facilities to Our Space Astronomy Program 12/171969 1
791 Reporting of MOL Excess ADPE 12/22/1969 2
792 Memorandum For Distribution Subject: Air Force Participation in NASA Study of MOL Acquisition and Tracking System 112/23/1969 3
793 Memorandum for Dr. Seamans, Dr. McLucas from James Ferguson, Subject: MOL Program Close-Out Status 12/23/1969 11
794 General Electric Company Briefing Charts, Advanced MOL Planning; Missions and Systems 12/31/1969 60
795 MOL Program: Cancelation of Pentagon Activities 1/8/1970 1
796 Memorandum from Secretary of Defense to D/NRO, Subject: Termination of MOL 1/8/1970 1
797 Response to Report of MOL Excess ADPE 1/9/1970 2
798 MOL 4PY EP Computers 1/10/1970 3
799 Storage And Maintenance of Government Furnished Equipment for NASA 1/21/1970 2
800 History of MOL 2/1/1970 356
801 NASA Technical Feasibility Study at Eastman-Kodak 2/4/1970 2
802 MOL/General Electric Study 3/6/1970 2
803 MOL 4PI EP Computers 3/31/1970 2
804 MOL Systems Office Termination 3/31/1970 8
805 Transfer of MOL Residuals to NASA 4/8/1970 20
806 Memorandum for Mr. Krueger and Mr. Sweet, Subject: Guidelines for NASA Earth-Sensing Activity 4/17/1970 7
807 Turnover of the MOL Mission Development Simulator to NASA 6/16/1970 2
808 Letter to Dr. Newell from John L. McLucas, Subject: MOL Acquisition and Tracking Scope, Mission Development Simulator & Drive A System 6/16/1970 1
809 Turnover of MOL Residuals 6/18/1970 1
810 MOL Program: Close of MOL Systems Office in LA 7/29/1970 2
811 MOL Excess Computers 7/30/1970 17
812 Memorandum for the Record, from Frederick L. Hofmann, Subject: MOL Program Office Close Out 9/18/1970 1
813 MOL Residual Computers 9/22/1970 15
814 Classified MOL Residual Hardware 10/8/1970 2
815 Total MOL Program Funding Requirement Forecast 1/7/1971 21
816 Project Colt Proposal by Dr. Meinel, University of Arizona 1/19/1971 2
817 General Electric MOL Computer Return 2/25/1971 4
818 MOL Mission Development Simulator Computers 5/25/1971 1
819 Memorandum for Dr. Naka from Harold S. Coyle, Jr., Subject: Manned Space Flights over the Soviet Union 8/24/1971 3
820 Memorandum for the Record from Frederick L. Hofmann, Subject: MOL Mission Development Simulator & Associated Computers Which Were Loaned to NASA 2/16/1972 3
821 Memorandum For The Record from Frederick L. Hofmann, Subject: MOL Residuals at ITEK 2/1/1973 1
822 Memorandum 6/5/73 - MOL Status 6/5/1973 1
823 Note For Dr. Yarymovych from Frederick L. Hofmann, Subject: MOL Residuals Transferred to NASA 10/15/1973 7
824 Information about SAMOS, Lunar Orbiter, and MOL Program Involvement 2/9/1976 2
825 MOL/DORIAN Overview Slide 11/13/1978 1
    Total 20,681

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